Are red lips old-fashioned?

Are red lips old-fashioned?The symbol of femininity and sex-appeal worldwide is bright red lipstick on a thick and full lips. Those lips usually implement a black eye-liner and retro 40s Marilyn Monroe hair style. However, recent trends tend to picture women in more nude colours and natural looks. Are red lips old fashioned or there is a special place for them in the hearts of the gentlemen.

  • Females with bright lipstick are considered bold and self confident even today. The ladies that chose that colour for their lips must follow the rules of stressing on only one feature of their face – lips. Seductive and fresh the lipstick will turn every woman into Wonder-woman.
  • Not only old glamour flowers are prone and use the colour. Even ladies in the home cleaning sector are having their fair share of the trend. The red lips are no longer a privilege to wealthy women, but to those who know style.
  • Red lips have never been out of fashion say fashion critics. More or less improved vision is required and stylists have worked their way to bring the red lips to eternal life. Red lips are combined with non traditional colours and alternative styles, by still keeping the classy look. Even the carpet cleaners know about that trend.

However claims that red lipstick and thick delicious lips are old-fashioned is totally wrong. There has never been a decline in the importance of that symbol in our lives.  Magazines are worshiping the pure flawlessness of the woman’s face by improving the sexy and longing look. The very triumph of the red lips is on this year winter NY show proving that this eternal flame of femininity is back and will burn with full glory.

So do not give up on that. Just try the best shade for your skin type and rock this world.

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