Tag Archives: carpet maintenance

Are there carpets, that specialists don’t recommend for anything in the world?

Carpets that specialists do not recommendWhat kind of carpet specialists do not recommend at all? If that is the question on your mind, then here is our answer: synthetic rugs. They may be cheap, but are tough to get released from grime, hair and lint. Look at the reasons we have selected for you why not to buy a synthetic carpet:

  • Synthetic carpet could not be kept looking clean for longer – even the smallest stains are easily visible;

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Match your carpet with your cleaning abilities

Match your carpetWhen the time for a carpet purchase comes, usually we think about how it will look among the interior design. We imagine the future rug next to the living room furniture or matched with the curtains, the kitchen cloth or the chandelier. However, these are not the only things you should consider. You need to match the carpet not with the interior only, but with your cleaning abilities, too.

See our specially gathered tips and pick up a nice rug that will suit your maintenance habits, as well! Continue reading