End of Tenancy Cleaning in Loughborough Junction SE22

Prices How To Book Loughborough Junction SE22 customers' reviews
End of tenancy cleaning

Prepare yourself for the removal properly in order to start your new life in the most opportune way. Finishing your sweet life in your sweet ex home, finally you will have the chance to make a promising beginning in the new property. End of Tenancy Cleaning is the task you should manage precisely and regularly and the cleaning teams from House Cleaning London are here for you to help in arranging it. If you leave your house or apartment in Loughborough Junction SE22 do not hesitate and contact us. We will offer you the most competitive and specially tailored services for your personal case. You are guaranteed that your tenancy deposit will be returned. On the other hand, if your host, agency or property owner is not satisfied with the result from the End of Tenancy Cleaning in Loughborough Junction SE22 you have 48 hours to reach and inform us about the situation. The house will be re-cleaned free of charge. The efforts for the mission to bring the home area in its first initial condition will be double. Contact us on 020 3455 5999 or get a free quote for the End of Tenancy Cleaning service in Loughborough Junction SE22 area. Always feel free to ask us about the cleaning techniques and the cleaning detergents. However, you are promised that the house will be shining from cleanness and put in a decent and presentable condition. Here are the main and common Cleaning tasks that you will be provided:

  • Cleaning, degreasing, descaling, dust and stain removals
  • Windows and Upholstery cleaning
  • Disinfecting and sanitising surfaces and bathroom area
  • Scrubbing, damping, wiping, polishing worktops and cleaning the mold (extra charge for it).
  • Mopping, washing, polishing, hoovering, and sweeping the floor in each premise
  • Cleaning the cabinets, wardrobes, shelves, and built in cupboards from the inside and from the outside – remember that you need to remove your personal belongings in advance.

House Cleaning London teams cover the entire Loughborough Junction SE22 area. You may also take the advantages of the two similar services - Mid-Tenancy and Pre-Cleaning Tenancy. Check out our Loughborough Junction SE22 End of Tenancy Cleaning prices. All good things come to an end - make it happen properly and correctly with our cleaning help!

End of Tenancy Cleaning Prices

  • One bedroom flat from
  • Two bedroom flat from
  • Three bedroom flat from
  • Two bedroom house from
  • Three bedroom house from
  • Four bedroom house from
  • Five bedroom house from
  • £130.00
  • £155.00
  • £180.00
  • £173.00
  • £230.00
  • £260.00
  • £280.00

* Minimum charge applies.

End of Tenancy with Carpet Cleaning Prices

When you book End of Tenancy together with Professional Steam Carpet cleaning, you get 50% off the regular carpet cleaning price.

Carpet cleaning discount
  • One bedroom flat with carpets from
  • Two bedroom flat with carpets from
  • Two bedroom house with carpets from
  • Three bedroom flat with carpets from
  • Three bedroom house with carpets from
  • Four bedroom house with carpets from
  • Five bedroom house with carpets from
  • £175.00
  • £200.00
  • £220.00
  • £235.00
  • £310.00
  • £350.00
  • £380.00

* Minimum charge applies.

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Our happy customers say ...

"Amazing job!Just got my house cleaned by one of your team. They've done great! -We really loved the job they did- it was a big job but they got almost all the nooks and crannies. Virginia was delightful and they worked hard. "
Renata, Fulham

"It was a real spring cleaning of my flat as it really smells like spring now. Thanks a lot."
Samantha, Hamstead

"Many thanks for the service - I will recommend your spring clean to anyone."
Mika, Chelsea